Men In Hats.
"Men in Hats" is something new in a profession that has grown dangerously predictable. It is one of the most creative, new concepts I've seen in editorial cartooning. Graham has a different take on political cartooning. Not the same old gags. Not the worn formats of old. I saw the difference the first day we met.
The Commercial Appeal needed to try something new in terms of political cartoons. Graham’s Men in Hats series captured my imagination. The paper began publishing "Men in Hats" every Saturday. The distinctive panel immediately became a high-interest feature of the newspaper. It remains one of the most talked-about features on The Commercial Appeal’s editorial page.
Graham's cartoons wickedly point out the hypocrisy spewed by many politicians these days. Men In Hats make you think. It’s not about a cheap gag. It is fresh and original. We need that in our political discourse these days." - Chris Peck, Editor, The Commercial Appeal, Memphis
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