Graham Sale is a prolific artist, writer, designer, author, and Pulitzer Prize-nominated political cartoonist. His cartoons and humorous illustrations have appeared in advertisements, newspapers, books, on greeting cards, clothing, and licensed products.
To see more of his books and collections of his cartoons on greeting cards,
mugs, prints, and more visit his online store www.grahamsale.com.
Ruff Stuff is his hilarious dog cartoon line. If you're a dog lover you will absolutely love it!
Boneless Chuck is Graham's character/toy beloved around the world for being a friend to those who need one - especially if facing a difficult journey or challenge especially illness or depression. Visit his site. See his fans' letters and photos, and discover his remarkable journey.
"Boneless Chuck and Leo's Other Christmas are my proudest creations."
A portion of his profits goes to help people with cancer pay their daily bills. www.bonelesschuck.com or
Author. Illustrator.